September Mama Message


“True health care reform starts in your kitchen.”


Autumn equinox was several days ago, and the changing light, weather, and landscape influence me daily. Usually at this time of year there is a drawing in and a preparing for the colder months ahead.  However, as we have all been drawing in over the past six or seven months, my inclination right now is to burst out and embrace the fall days. Whatever I decide, I know that I need to continue to focus on my own health and the health of my family.

While I understand that we need to look for global solutions to the ongoing pandemic, I am surprised at the lack of resources on nutrition, exercise, stress management, alternative healthcare, and sunlight in our daily mainstream media.  I would like to see an outpouring of information on healthy lifestyle choices, and an ongoing discussion of equity of resources for all!  I am encouraged by many people around the world that are working to make a difference, and hope that this information continues to be amplified to everyone.

Most of you know that I am committed to eating fresh, local, and organic food… and to feeding my family nutritious and engaging meals. While I admit I fail occasionally and rely on the shortcuts in busy moments, we are blessed to have amazing resources here in Montana.  We pick up beautiful produce once a week from our local organic farm that is two miles down the road.  We rely on a ranch in eastern Montana for our honey and grass-fed beef, and we buy fish from locals who go salmon fishing in Alaska.  Our freezer is full of local berries, cherries, and garlic scapes that come from our surrounding farms and fields.  I’m even learning to compost in cold weather climates. Regenerative farming and ranching is alive and well in Montana, and it is exciting to see the research on how this can be a solution for the health of all… and it is amazing at sequestering carbon emissions!

The answers to so many of our current challenges can be found right in our kitchens and local communities.  Gardening, composting, cooking, and recycling with our children is fun and engages their natural curiosity.  Learning about permaculture, biodynamic gardening, and regenerative practices can be exciting hands-on science lessons. Discussions on food deserts and desertification can inspire us to work on systemic change.  Regardless of the political landscape, I believe that we have the answers in front of us.  It is going to take each of us to stand up, make the conscious choices that we need, and to be the change for a sustainable future.  We can vote at the ballot box and with our pocketbooks.  We can support practices that make a difference in the world.  We can influence others and educate them to the consequences of our actions, and most of these choices start right in our homes.

At this time of year in my kitchen I focus heavily on the warming spices of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves.  So many traditions rely on these spices in the fall as the weather cools, and our bodies
crave the warming dishes.  Recipes abound with combinations of the fall produce and these spices.  My favorite powerhouse these days is ginger… whether the fresh or dried herb, the essential oil, or ginger
tea.  Ginger is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, and anti-spasmodic.  It is the perfect spice to use on a daily basis for digestive and respiratory issues, and assists us in dealing with seasonal threats.  It is truly a choice for this challenging time!

Our own apple harvest was enjoyed primarily by the bears this year, but our local farm has apples and pumpkins in abundance.  I’m planning our outings and meals around these staples in the next few weeks!   Although I am missing the California persimmons, quince, pomegranates, and grapes, (and of course, family and friends), we are embracing new traditions and continuing the old… Huckleberries are the new family favorite.

I try to balance the ongoing challenges that we face daily with a stubborn optimism and attention to the choices that I make.  I encourage you to vote, educate others, listen deeply, stay open-hearted… and of course, have fun in the kitchen!

Take Care,

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Maria Fahrner