August Mama Message


“Opportunities for both academic and character growth cannot be
discounted simply because your homeschool looks less and less like a
public school.”

- Anonymous

I’m spending my days writing, talking, educating, and most of all…spending precious time with three of my grandsons.  There is nothing that I enjoy more, or that takes the place of this in-person time together.  The observations, comments, hugs, joys and sorrows, first experiences, and laughter of these boys are the highlights of my days. Every activity is an opportunity for discovery, and every conversation is a platform for growth… mine and theirs!

As it is still summer, we don’t feel the need to be categorizing or documenting academic accomplishments, and yet I am constantly seeing how these children are learning all of the time.  A bike/walk is interrupted every few yards by the discovery of yet another berry bush, and there are nature observations, wild food discussions, vocabulary development (edible and non-edible) happening along the way.  We’re talking about ecosystems, habitat, animal habits and safety tips, history, geography, weather patterns, life cycles, and more on each little foray.

I don’t need to look at state standards or textbooks to know that we are covering important content, and the children don’t need to know (or care) that they may be doing grade level work or above!  Human beings have a built in drive to learn, and young children are absorbing information at an astonishing rate.  Throughout my work in education, over several decades, I have enjoyed observing children learn in every possible situation. When we create a learning-rich environment for our children, they can’t help but absorb the material.

I am a firm believer in public education for all children, but I have concerns about how the curriculum is presented in many situations. Computers are not an appropriate tool for instruction of young children. Children need to be moving, playing, exploring, experimenting, and conversing.  I know that the current paradigm of distance learning is temporary, but I am worried about the patterns that are being established.   I encourage parents to look at their individual child or children, and try to focus on how they learn best. I cannot tell you how many mothers have expressed to me that the way in which school played out in the spring did not work for their child. There are numerous articles on the failed experiment of distance learning in Spring 2020, particularly for young children.

I understand that we are in the midst of an untenable situation with school closures and an uncertain future. Parents are grappling with excruciating decisions about balancing work and educating their children. However, schools should not just be childcare… they should be places of inspiration, excitement, deep learning, and joy.  Whether a child attends school in a public, private, charter, or homeschool setting, education should be relevant, meaningful, and engaging.

I have devoted my lifetime to supporting families on this journey, and have written posts, recorded podcast episodes, talked with countless parents, and continue to offer support on a regular basis.  This information is available at my website for anyone to access.  The discussion is ongoing, and I want to help every family discover the joys of living and learning together.  We can create a different, more positive educational paradigm together as we question what is truly best for all children!

I wish everyone good health, warm connection, and a positive outcome in this current challenging time.


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Maria Fahrner