December Mama Message

“Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion."

- Anonymous

December is a natural time of year to express our generous nature with the traditions and activities that are all around us.  We can give gifts, “adopt-a-family” to provide a celebration, and donate to causes that we believe in.  However, this year more than ever before, I am aware of the most valuable item that we  can offer… our time.  The youngest members of the family can easily be amused and distracted for a while with the shiny new items, but then they return for the hugs, the cuddles, the stories, and as one of my grandsons just asked tonight… “for two more minutes” of my presence!  The oldest members of the family appreciate the longer chat on the phone, the children and grandchildren that surround them, or the dinner guests that are always happy to come for a visit.  It is the time spent together in the presence of loved ones that is the most precious gift.

It is challenging to live further away from some family members, yet it makes us all appreciate each other even more.  As a child I got to spend so much time with my immediate family, and with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents on a regular basis.  Now I realize how special this was… Our decision to move to Montana came from this childhood experience of an inter-generational family.  As we move into 2020 I am beginning to work with grandparents as well as parents in mentoring and hopefully inspiring positive family culture.  Together we are sharing traditions and celebrations from our past, as well as starting new gatherings of family and friends.

The Solstice spiral is a beautiful tradition of walking together in quiet and reverence and song.  It is one way of creating time and space to come together.  We were happy to be able to offer a Solstice spiral on our land for a few families this past week.  After this gathering there were many comments of gratitude for the creation of this time together that was so special.  A few pine branches, candles, and a fire… simple, yet profound.  It was fascinating watching the children walk with such care and thoughtfulness.  They know the magic that is happening in these moments.  The scent of the Douglas Fir branches lifted everyone’s spirits and helped us to relax.  Douglas Fir is also the essential oil of generational wisdom.

Throughout history people have shared their insights, wisdom, and traditions.  I hope to be able to continue to share many celebrations, thoughts, and ideas on family life over the coming years.  I see young families  yearning to be connected to tradition and community, and it is a privilege to be a part of sharing this time together.

All the best for a joyous, happy, and healthy New Year!



Maria Fahrner