March Mama Message
Maria’s Mama Message for March,
Miracle March is here with cleansing rain and wind! This month is all about cleaning out the debris, clutter, and thoughts that do not serve us as we dance ahead into Spring.
I just completed a six week physical cleanse, and I feel light and focused to face my new endeavors. There is so much research on the importance of physically cleansing our bodies from all of the toxins in our world, and I wholeheartedly recommend this practice several times a year. Spring is my favorite time to physically detox…! I have also eliminated toxic cleaning supplies, and we use all-natural products to clean our house. I try to reduce as many toxins as possible in our daily life…
I have recently been following the guidance of Marie Condo’s book The Magic Art of Tidying Up, and have de-cluttered the house, donated bags of clothes and books, and re-organized my office space. I love the feeling of accomplishment when our home is clean and organized. There is a direct correlation between organizing our surroundings and feeling more clarity in our minds.
I just hosted an amazing energy healing workshop with Desiree Mangandog, author of the essential oil blend book I Am Fabulous, and I feel as if the mental clutter is gone as well…! Using essential oils we can raise our energy, clear away negative thoughts and patterns, and positively share our life purpose with others! I am so inspired, and I look forward to sharing more…
My essential oil choice for this month is Purify. Cleanse the body, home, and mind in many ways… Purify is great for eliminating mold and mildew, cleaning surfaces, freshening laundry, reducing allergic responses, and detoxing the lymphatic system. Energetically it it is the oil of purification! It assists the body in releasing toxic emotions, and revitalizes the energy system.
Steer towards a clear and fresh month of March physically and emotionally!! Even a few changes in these areas can help you feel less stressed and full of energy… Enjoy!