September Mama Message


"Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos-
the trees, the clouds, everything."

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Striving for vibrant health as an expression of gratitude is such a natural and lovely concept! We are a part of the whole, and we are seeing this in relationship to the earth and all of humanity so clearly these days. As we care for ourselves and each other, we can affect change on the global level. We can focus on all of the difficulties in front of us, or we can focus on the solutions that we have access to. Every choice we make brings us closer to personal and global health, or contributes to the continuing decline. I want to be a part of the positive change.

Lately my focus has been on growing, foraging, and harvesting beautiful local food. The freezer, refrigerator, and pantry shelves are filled with service berries, cherries, pickled cucumbers and beans, sauerkraut, and applesauce, all picked or grown within two miles of home. The root cellar has dried goods to help see us through another Montana winter, and the meat orders are on their way. “Let thy food be thy medicine…” said Hippocrates, and this is the place where I have the power to choose the healthiest possibilities.

There are also so many powerful natural remedies around us. Our bodies are designed to work with that which is found in nature, not what is synthesized in a lab. While I am grateful to have access to allopathic medical care, there are so many choices that we can go to first that are gentle and effective. Working with a naturopath, functional medical doctor, acupuncturist, aromatherapist, osteopath, somatic bodyworker, and by using our own intuition, we can assist our bodies' natural striving towards health and balance. (I share more on my approach to mindful healthcare options in Episode 12 of The Moms I Know Podcast.)

Finding joy every day, and spending time in sunshine and fresh air is also essential. The scents of the flowers, herbs, and trees uplift and support our bodies. Especially in this time of great challenge, we must find that which sparks joy on a daily basis, and boost our sense of wonder and awe at the miracles of nature that surround us all. As the days begin to shorten, and we become aware of the coming winter, we must find the inner strength to deal with all that comes.

May you find joy and wonder daily, and focus on natural solutions for health and wellness.


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Maria Fahrner