June Mama Message

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

- Maya Angelou

As we continue to be faced with unbelievable challenges at this time in history, it is an opportunity for deep reflection, soul-searching, and rising awareness.  Our systems for healthcare, education, environmental stewardship, politics, law enforcement, economic advancement, food distribution, and more are failing us.  Regardless of where we live, our family values and choices need to be examined. How we raise our children is contributing to the future of the world, and this has never been so important!

Our family culture is comprised of our beliefs, activities, communication, and choices. Every aspect of our lives has a consequence, whether positive or negative.  The world has always been one of polarities, and we need the contrast of rain and sun, night and day, joy and sorrow… and we can embrace these.  Yet at this time we need to look for what unites us as humans, not what divides us.  When we look at the natural world we see the contrast everywhere, and we also see the beauty, diversity, color, and vast range of possibilities that exist.  We are surrounded by such magnificence, and we can choose to be inspired by this array of complexity and cooperation.

As an educator I have always strived to deepen the conversations with the families that I work with, and to question my own beliefs while I try to listen carefully to others.  My career has been filled with moments that have opened my eyes and broadened my view of the world. I also know that I still have much to learn.  I am so grateful to the many children and adults who have made me question my beliefs, and who have opened up new paths and opportunities to me.  Education can come from the smallest moments if we allow ourselves to be open to learning, and yet sometimes we need huge global movements to help us wake up.

As I speak with mothers these days I hear a recurring theme of overwhelm.  It seems that we are at a breaking point, and yet we have faced extraordinary challenges before, and we emerge stronger for the strain.  My hope is that we can look at every choice that we make, and take small steps towards the change that we seek.  Listening to each other, and truly hearing the stories of assault, trauma, discrimination, despair, grief, overwhelm, and hopelessness is the start. Deepening our understanding of history and how it has affected us all is so important.  We recognize the shared humanity in each of us, and acknowledge that we are truly one human race.   Mothers come together in the hopes for a healthy, equal future for all of our children, and we can share our joys, hopes, and dreams as well.

Every food that we choose, every material possession that we buy, every book that we read, every conversation that we have, each lesson that we teach, every interaction with another person, and every activity that we take part in has a consequence for change.  I invite you to look closely at these choices and make the ones that bring about positive consequences for a better world. I am exploring the uses of the essential oil pink pepper these days, as it is the oil of intrinsic equality.  It assists us in strengthening our own self-acceptance and compassion, which we can then turn outward in our interactions with all others.   You can go to https://www.doterra.com/US/en/doterra-pink-pepper for more information about it’s wonderful qualities and sourcing stories… transforming lives in many ways.

When we do our own interpersonal work, then we can raise our children with love and acceptance for exactly who they are.  We can help them learn important aspects of the history of their country as it relates to all. Assist children in staying true to themselves and others, and to respect all life on this planet.  We do this by examining ourselves, and modeling for them the choices that we hope they will make in the future.

As I am constantly reminded, the change begins with me… and I am grateful for the people that help me to face this knowledge on a daily basis.  It is difficult… it is time… and I am hopeful that together we can make the difference!



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Maria Fahrner