March Mama Message

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and
optimistic. And we'll change the world."

- Jack Layton

The March rain, snow, and winds have swept through, leaving clear skies and fresh air.  I am writing this here in California where the hills are green and lush at this time of year.  Around the country many have struggled with torrential rain and flooding, epic snowpacks, tornadoes, and hurricane force winds.  Around the world we are trying to make sense of challenges that are hard to fathom.  Yet in times like this we see people come together with caring, compassion, and selflessness.

March always symbolizes this letting go of the challenges that we have been dealing with, casting off that which no longer serves us, and embracing the new possibilities that unfold as we move forward.  This month especially, I want to write of hope and optimism… of new possibilities and new paradigms.  It is through our individual struggles, as well as those of our communities and countries, that we find deeper strength and commitment.  We resolve to let go of past hurts and obstacles… to dig deep and find new ideas that can heal and uplift us all.

This month I encourage time spent examining that which can be let go, whether physically or emotionally.  It is a month to simplify, to get outside, to spend time with family and friends after the winter months.  It is a time for simple pleasures and connecting with others… I have been diffusing lemongrass essential oil lately to help with emotional cleansing, and I have been doing more inner work around letting go of some beliefs that I have been holding onto.  It is fascinating to see what unfolds!

I hope this month brings healing and compassion to so many around the world.  We can focus on that which unites us, and appreciate the beauty in each and every person.  We can try to continue to see the world as a safe and beautiful place, and we can share that hope with our children.

Maria Fahrner