December Mama Message

"Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity."

- Simone Weil

As I reflect back on this year of adventures and challenges, triumphs
and tragedies, I am struck by one constant that permeates our human
condition… that of our capacity for generosity!  Whether it is our
family and friends who show up to help pack a moving truck,  people
who inspire us with bravery under horrific circumstances, or quiet
acts of donating to causes that are believed in, this generous spirit
is part of our American psyche.

At this holiday time of year we focus on giving gifts… and yet we can
do this all year long.  We can give of our time and attention, we can
donate to causes that we believe in, we can volunteer for local
organizations, and we can help others in need.

Many children have a natural inclination for giving.  We can encourage
this trait, and cultivate generosity and gratitude in our children by
our own actions.  Every day we have opportunities to help others… and
our children are watching us.  A warm smile, a simple “thank you”, a
small donation, and a helping hand are observed by our youngsters, and
they learn to do the same.

This is truly a magical time of year when anything is possible and
miracles can happen. Our children are daily miracles, and we can
treasure these moments with them, and make sure that we give them the
time and attention that they deserve.  The more we give… the more we
receive.  Enjoy this special time with your family and friends, and I
wish you all the very best!

Maria Fahrner